Amaran starring Siva Karthikeyan and Sai Pallavi released today worldwide. The film also received unanimous positive reports all over. The openings are sensational in all the terrritories. The film has also continued its dominance in Telugu market. Amaran has created a benchmark for the Tier 2 Actors as well.
In Tamil Nadu alone, the film has opened with more than 15 crores gross and also became the first medium budgeted film to have achieved this. In Overseas, Day 1 may also provide a double digit opening which is just sensational. Overall, the film looks to open with around 35 crores gross worldwide as per early estimates.
This is phenomenal and mind blowing. Amaran is also set for a 100 crore performing weekend as indicated by the strong advance bookings throughout the weekend. The film may even go beyond this number comfortably in the full run. Amaran has all the chances of becoming Siva Karthikeyan’s highest grosser as well with this.
Dhanush & Raayan under trouble:
Kollywood Actor, Dhanush managed to gross nearly 150 crores worldwide with his film, Raayan recently in the Tier 2 range films. Now, Siva Karthikeyan looks to comfortably go beyond this number with the level of indications coming in from the audiences and fans for Amaran. He will then go even more higher with his next upcoming film directed by A.R. Murugadoss without a doubt.