The Tamil film Amaran, starring Sivakarthikeyan and Sai Pallavi, has emerged as a blockbuster at the Telugu box office. Despite stiff competition from Kanguva, which opened to poor word-of-mouth, Amaran quickly became the audience’s first preference, creating a sensational buzz over the weekend.
In Telugu states, the film has already grossed over ₹40 crore, a remarkable performance considering its cinema rights were sold for only ₹4 crore. With a breakeven aim of ₹8 crore, the movie has earned an astounding 500% return on investment and continues to generate excellent receipts.
Trade analysts estimate the picture would easily surpass the ₹50 crore mark in the region due to great crowd reception and strong word-of-mouth.
Amaran’s compelling performances and gripping storyline have set a new standard in both the Tamil and Telugu markets, demonstrating that excellent content transcends language barriers.Amaran has reached the coveted ₹300 crore club globally and continues to grow. The film is on track to earn over ₹350 crore, making it one of the highest-grossing Tamil films in history.
The film’s tremendous success in Telugu regions demonstrates Sai Pallavi’s immense popularity and box office appeal, cementing her status as a pan-Indian star. Sivakarthikeyan has also made a strong debut in Telugu film, which marks the start of his bright career in the region.
Amaran’s compelling performances and gripping storyline have set a new standard in both the Tamil and Telugu markets, demonstrating that excellent content transcends language barriers.