Amala Paul is all set to star in Nagarjuna’s upcoming film Ghost. The film initially starred Kajal Agarwal in the lead but she has now been replaced by the Malayalam beauty. It is being reported that Kajal couldn’t continue the film due to her pregnancy. The makers approached many actresses before zeroing on Amala.
The film will be a high-octane thriller with heavy action sequences. Creative director Praveen Sattaru is directing this film.
Amala Paul will co-star with Nagarjuna for the first time. Narayan Das K Narang, Puskur Ram Mohan Rao, and Sharrath Marar are producing the film on Sree Venkateshwara Cinemas LLP and Northstar Entertainment Banners.
Gul Panag and Anikha Surendran are the other prominent cast of the film which is currently being shot in Hyderabad