Icon Star Allu Arjun’s Pushpa has got off to a strong start. The film registered great occupancies and solid night show bookings and is all set for a strong day 1 show at the box office.
As per indications, Pushpa: The Rise is all set to collect Rs 11-12 crores in the Andhra region. In the Ceeded region, Pushpa can record anywhere between Rs 5-6 crores, and in Nizam, it is most probably set to hit the Rs 10-11 crore mark. Overall Allu Arjun’s Pushpa is expected to hit around Rs 28 crore mark on the opening day which is a superb feat.
These are just the indicators and we will post the exact collection figures tomorrow.
Coming to the US premieres, Pushpa collected a total of $530 k from 260 locations. This is a good show of numbers despite the cancellation across multiple locations. Allu Arjun’s Pushpa premieres now stand as his second-best premiere after Ala Vaikunthapurramulo.