Tollywood Actor Allu Arjun is currently reeling under heavy pressure with the case registered against him by the Police. The situation intensified when CM Revanth Reddy spoke directly against the Actor accusing him of behaving irresponsibly. Trying to cool off this ugly situation, Allu Arjun’s Father-in-law, Chandrasekhar Reddy came forward to discuss the issue with a Congress Incharge leader but he had to get insulted shockingly.
Chandrasekhar Reddy tried interacting with Deepadas Munsi, the in-charge of Telangana Congress Party affairs about the recent targeting of Allu Arjun by the Government. But nothing resulted in a positive way with Chandrasekhar Reddy being denied a chance to talk this with her. She left the premises immediately turning a blind eye towards him.
This video has been going viral now on social media platforms. We need to see how the Actor would react to this. It is known that Chandrasekhar Reddy also happens to be a member of the Congress Party which is currently the Ruling Government in Telangana. The Politician tried using his power to patch up but this hasn’t yielding the needed relief.