Naga Chaitanya’s upcoming film, Thandel which is slated for release on 7th February next year is set for a postponement. The film has been hit by the recent developements involving Allu Arjun, Actor and son of Allu Aravind who happens to be the Producer of the film. It is said that the team is considering moving to the summer season now mostly opting for April.
The team has initially planned promotional activities starting from this December month but this was deferred due to a case registered against Allu Arjun. This also caused the delay of the Second Single of the film, Namo Namah Shivaya (Shiva Shakti) originally planned for release on 22nd December.
The Summer season is currently occupied with Hari Hara Veera Mallu and #VD12 which are riding with great buzz and excitement. So, we have to see how Thandel manages to make its mark going on a clash with these films.