The Telangana High Court has provided interim relief to the producers of ‘Pushpa 2’, Yalamanchili Ravi Shankar and Yerneni Naveen, in connection with a case registered following the stampede incident near Sandhya Theatre. The court has directed the police not to arrest the producers but allowed the investigation to continue.
The case pertains to an unfortunate stampede that occurred near the theater during a promotional event, leading to a police complaint being filed against the producers. Ravi Shankar and Naveen approached the Telangana High Court, seeking to quash the FIR registered against them by the Chikkadpally police. The court took up the matter for hearing on Tuesday.
During the hearing, the petitioners’ counsel argued that the theater’s security arrangements do not fall under the purview of the producers. They emphasized that the producers had duly informed the police about the event in advance, enabling adequate deployment of personnel at the venue. Despite their proactive measures, an unforeseen incident occurred, the counsel stated.
The petitioners’ legal team further contended that the producers had no direct involvement in the stampede and that none of the allegations mentioned in the FIR were applicable to them. After hearing the arguments, the court issued interim orders preventing the arrest of the producers. Additionally, it directed the police to file a counter affidavit and deferred further proceedings by two weeks.
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