Tollywood Actor Allu Arjun‘s arrest has sparked a political row in Telangana. There have also been speculations of the Chief Minister Revanth Reddy going after the Actor for forgetting his name while delivering his speech at an event. Leader of BRS party, KTR too has pointed out at the same mocking the CM. He also said that Allu Arjun’s arrest was a politicla revenge.
KTR said that CM felt insulted with the Actor forgetting his name and arrested him only to take revenge against the Actor. The Politician earlier too had raised the same incident taking a jibe at the CM. Many netizens and Political analysts felt that this also added as a reason for the arrest of Allu Arjun. Now, KTR targeted the CM again by raising the arrest of Allu Arjun further igniting the issue.
We have to see how things turn out. The Government and Police have already begun action against the Sandhya Theatre Management for their mishandling of the Premiere show of Pushpa 2 which caused the death of a lady. Speculations are rife that they may even approach the Supreme Court for arresting Allu Arjun again.