Icon Star Allu Arjun is all set to visit Bangalore tomorrow. He will be meeting late actor Puneeth Rajukumar’s family in the city. The Kannada star passed away in October last year leaving fans and friends across the industries shell shocked.
“We had a mutual respect for each other. Suddenly he’s not there. Suddenly, he’s just not there. When I heard the news the first time, I was shocked. It’s gotten heavy on me, just in a click of a snap, I was so shocked. Life is so unpredictable, we just don’t know. I understand that all of us are in the same zone. A great soul, superstar Puneeth Rajkumar, who has done so much for Kannada industry, the big pride of South industry and the film industry,” Allu Arjun stated after the death of the legendary Kannada hero.
Allu Arjun and Puneeth Rajkumar had a great personal bond and the two stars shared great mutual admiration for each other’s work.
Bunny was in Bangalore last month but didn’t meet Puneeth Rajkumar’s family back then as he felt it would not be appropriate to meet at that moment.
“I’m here to promote Pushpa and it’s not ethical to meet their family today when I’m here to promote a film. I will come to Bangalore again on another day and will surely meet Puneeth garu’s family,” he said back then.