It is very well known to everyone that Icon Star Allu Arjun had collaborated with Asian cinemas and constructed a big multiplex called AAA cinemas in Hyderabad. The multiplex is a good success and the tickets of the theater are selling like hot cakes. At first, the cine goers were a bit doubtful about the success of this new multiplex, but it has become a new choice for the audiences in the Hyderabad City.
Now the inside reports strongly suggest that Allu Arjun is in plans to construct another new multiplex in Vizag, Andhra Pradesh. More details about this new venture of Icon Star will be revealed soon.
Allu Arjun’s AAA cinemas opened a month ago with the screening of Adipurush. Film lovers and industry insiders have appreciated the latest multiplex in the city for its projection facilities and technical prowess. AAA Cinemas also has something special for the Icon Star fans in the form of a lounge where the star’s awards and memorabilia have been kept for display.
Apart from all the above-mentioned facilities, the theater is also swiftly turning into a no1 choice for the movie promotional events. Before the launch of Allu Arjun’d AAA Cinemas was launched, all the promotional events in the Telugu film industry happened in Mahesh Babu’s AMB cinemas now but presently the situation has changed as all the promotional events are happening in AAA Cinemas.