Ram Gopal Varma, who is known to make sensational statements on Twitter has done it again. The director also made some comments on the Megastar Chiranjeevi birthday celebrations that took place at his house. Speaking on the gathering, RGV commended Allu Arjun for not attending the gathering as he is a self-made star, unlike others.
Allu Arjun was busy in the shoot of Pushpa and couldn’t attend the celebrations and conveyed his wishes to Chiru on Twitter.
“After the original Mega Star @KChiruTweets the only present MEGA STAR is @alluarjun“, Tweeted the director.
Ram Gopal Verma also made some unsavoury comments on the Mega Family and termed the mega heroes as ‘parasites’.
These comments have not gone with Mega fans who have launched barrage of attacks on Ram Gopal Verma, with many even reminding him of the recent attack on his house.