With just two days to go for assembly elections in Andhra Pradesh, all Mega heroes have expressed support for Janasena chief Pawan Kalyan. Chiranjeevi released a video in support of his brother while Sai Dharam Tej and Varun Tej actively campaigned in Pithapuram. Ram Charan along with mother Surekha and Allu Aravind visited Pithapuram. At such a crucial time, Allu Arjun’s actions have attracted great attention.
On Saturday, Allu Arjun visited his friend and Nandyal YCP MLA and made a public appearance in front of a massive crowd. This action from Bunny has hurt Pawan Kalyan fans and Janasena supporters badly. This has led to a big rift between Allu Arjun and Mega fans on social media.
While it is true that Allu Arjun had shared support for Pawan Kalyan through a social media post, his direct visit to Nandyal supporting a rival party candidate has not gone well with many. Justifying his visit, the Pushpa actor stated that a mere Tweet would not suffice and that’s why he decided to personally visit his friend. This statement has further angered Janasena supporters as in case of Pawan Kalyan, it was just a social media post.
“I came here on my own. Among my friends, in whichever field they are in, I will step up and help them if they need my help. It doesn’t mean I am backing or supporting any political party,” said Allu Arjun to the media after meeting Ravi Chandra Reddy.