The trailer launch of Most Eligible Bachelor was held at Hyderabad earlier today and saw the entire unit in its presence. Speaking at the event, producer Allu Aravind stated that the Telugu audience has taught an important lesson to entire Indian movie lovers today. He was referring to the love the audience has showered on the recent releases.
Allu Aravind on the occasion also made a humble request to the Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Jaganmohan Reddy. “There are so many issues plaguing the Telugu film industry. I urge Jaganmohan Reddy to protect the industry the way he has protected the state,” he said.
He also urged the CM to take a look at the plight of the yet-to-be-released films that have been in waiting for a long time. “If he (the CM) wishes then there is definitely no reason issues can’t be addressed,” he pointed.
Most Eligible Bachelor stars Akhil Akkineni and Pooja Hegde in lead roles. The film is all set to release on 15th October.
Allu Aravind also expressed his confidence in the success of the film “This is just a pre-pre release event. We will also have a pre-release event and later the success meet! That is my confidence on the subject,” declared the senior producer.