Parasuram Petla is currently busy with the shooting of Mahesh Babu’s Sarkaru Vaari Paata. The film’s shooting is nearly coming to an end now. On the other spectrum, ace producer Allu Aravind is extremely keen on doing a film with Parasuram in his banner.
Allu Aravind wants to do a film with the Nandamuri family heroes, JR.NTR and Balakrishna, and he is forcing Parasuram to develop a story for the two actors. He wants to set this combo up as soon as possible due to the current hype of both the star heroes.
However, JR.NTR is currently busy for at least another 2 years. He has already signed a project with Koratala Siva and Buchi Babu Sana and might do a film with Prashant Neel after that. Keeping this in mind, Allu Aravind is planning to set a combo with Parasuram and Balakrishna.
Allu Aravind is confident in Parasuram’s capabilities due to the massive and unexpected success of Geetha Govindam which was produced under his own banner.