Manchu Vishnu’s upcoming film, Kannappa made news with its announcement. The film is based on an ardent devotee of Lord Shiva, Bhaktha Kannappa. The film will be made on a large scale and what is more interesting is the film having a big ensemble cast of All India Superstars. The film has on board Malayalam Superstar Mohanlal along with Dialogue King, Mohan Babu. Prabhas too became a part of this project to everyone’s surprise.
The film was long wished one for Prabhas’ fans. His Uncle, Krishnam Raju starred in Bhaktha Kannappa was a big blockbuster. So they naturally wished Prabhas to do this film. But he is now a part of this film in a pivotal character. Kannappa will also have Kannada Actor Shivaraj Kumar and Nayanthara as well. Sharath Kumar and Prabhu Deva will also act in pivotal roles.
Now the latest news is that Bollywood Superstar Akshay Kumar is all set to join the film. This makes the film a complete Pan India film. This is a sensational news as whole of prestigious Indian Actors are coming together for a film. The film is also produced by Manchu Vishnu under his 24 Frames Factory banner. The shoot is also happening at a brisk pace.