Speculations have been going up on a leading Bollywood actress being roped in for the landmark NTR30, Jr NTR’s next film under director Koratala Siva. Earlier the name of Kiara Advani popped up and now, it’s Alia Bhatt’s name that is now doing the rounds. Rumours are rife that Siva approached Alia to play Jr NTR’s love interest in the action drama, and Alia was excited about the offer. Alia is already paired with Ram Charan in RRR.
“Ever since Alia was approached for RRR, she had been keen on exploring the South market. Although she was approached for several big-ticket films, she has been very choosy,” says a source. While neither Alia nor the makers have made any official announcement, curiosity about the project has been spiked by these rumors.
This landmark project will be the second collaboration between Earlier the name of Kiara Advani popped up and now, it’s Alia Bhatt’s name that is now doing the rounds. Rumours are rife t and Koratala. The duo back in 2016 gave the supper successful Janatha Garage. Already Anirudh has been roped in to score music for this film.
The makers of NTR30 even announced that the movie will release on April 29, 2022 and pre-production works have already started on the project.