After a successful run in its theatrical release, Akshay Kumar and Pankaj Tripathi’s Oh My God 2 is now streaming on Netflix’s platform. The film, which was directed by Amit Rai, features Yami Gautam as an opposing lawyer against Kanti Sharan Mudgal (Pankaj Tripathi), a Lord Shiva devotee who is fighting a legal battle against the Indian education system and requests court changes regarding sex education in schools.
The movie began streaming on Netflix’s OTT platform on October 7th, which means it started streaming this morning. The censor team has made many cuts to the film, which has caused a lot of controversy about OMG 2. Despite facing Sunny Deol’s Gadar 2 storm, the movie still managed to become a blockbuster at the box office.
The director of the film, Amit Rai, announced that the uncut version will be released on OTT after the theatrical release, which has made the audience most excited about the OTT release.
The courtroom drama OMG 2 is a sequel to the 2012 hit Oh My God, starring Paresh Rawal, Kumar, and Mithun Chakraborty in pivotal roles. In the first part, Akshay Kumar appeared as Lord Krishna, and in the sequel, he played Lord Shiva. However, due to objections and controversy regarding the subject, the character was changed to a messenger of Lord Shiva.