Akshay Kumar is one of the tier 1 stars in Bollywood who commands a massive fan following and has had several top grossers over the past 3 decades. However, the last few years have been tough for the Bollywood star. He had a string of releases such as Bachchan Pandey, Samrat Prithviraj, Rakshabandhan, Cutputli (OTT release), Ram Setu, Selfiee among several other films, all of which failed miserably at the box office as well as impressing the audience.
These films are failing to get a minimum opening and theatrically the films are not giving any numbers to producers. The advance bookings are also quite shocking for a star of Akshay Kumar’s stature and so are Day 1 and closing figures.
With no hit in recent times, the producers are also wary of investing big for his releases and perhaps this is why his upcoming film OMG2 is in talks for a direct OTT release. This is indeed surprising considering the fact that OMG was a successful film with good collections.
Akshay had 6 releases (5 theatrical and 1 OTT) last year and none of the movies managed decent collections and were mainly disasters. His fans have now pinned high hopes on a strong comeback with Sorrarai Pottru (Aakasam Ni Haddura) remake that is slated to hit the screens later this year.