The latest movie of Akhil Akkineni, Agent, came out on the big screens on April 28. The film was delayed several times during the pandemic, but it eventually came out on Friday. The Akkineni fans had high hopes for the movie, but the film is on the way to becoming a miserable box office failure, with terrible response from the critics and audience. Akhil’s mother, Amala Akkineni, reacted to the trolls on Agent.
She supported Akhil and shared that despite the film’s shortcomings, she liked it. Amala, who was married to Nagarjuna, is also an actress. She said she watched the movie in a crowded theater where half the population was female. She took to social media and shared a quote that read, “Creativity is especially expressed in the ability to make connections, to make associations, to turn things around and express them in a new way – Tim Hansen.”
She wrote, “I understand that trolling comes from a deeper insecurity and need for achievement. I watched Agent yesterday and honestly enjoyed the film. While it has its flaws, if you watch it with an open mind, you will be amazed. The hall I watched it at was packed, half of the audience were ladies, mothers, and grandmother’s along with their husbands and sons! There were screams when the action happened. And I am sure the next one will be bigger and better (in the original).”
The response from Amala was supported by a few netizens, while some said she could have ignored the trolls on Agent and stayed away from the online negativity.