Akhil Akkineni who is looking for solid hit joined hands with the stylish director Surender Reddy. The duo is coming up with an action thriller titled ‘Agent’ under AK entertainments and Surender 2 Cinema. Vakkantham Vamsi is penning the story for the film. Well known Tamil music director Hiphop Tamiza is composing music for The film. The release date for Agent is locked and revealed.
The makers of the film in twitter announced the official release date with a new poster. The movie is releasing on 12th August,2022. Akhil Akkineni is looking macho and the poster design is so stylish.
Akhil Akkineni has lot of hopes on the film. Fans believe that Akhil will look dashing in the direction of Surender Reddy. The young director delivered blockbusters at box office with Athanokkade, kick, Dhruva and Race Gurram. His previous outing is Sye Ra NarsimhaReddy with megastar. Let’s wait till August to know what’s in store for us.