Puri Jagannadh’s son Akash Puri is coming to theatres this Friday to shine at box office. His latest outing Chor Bazaar with director Jeevan Reddy is releasing tomorrow in huge number of theatres. Prime Show films is releasing the movie in entire Telugu states. The distribution house planned a huge release.
Six movies are releasing this weekend. But Chor Bazaar is the biggest of them all in terms of release. Akash Puri starrer Chor Bazaar is releasing in more than 450 theatres across Telugu states. Kiran Abbavaram’s Sammathame is also releasing tomorrow and got decent number of theatres. These two heroes have to prove themselves with these movies. Kiran Abbavaram has already created his mark with decent movies. Akash Puri has to get a solid hit.
Below is the count of theatres in Nizam for both the movies.
Sammathame- 73 theatres in Nizam
10 city single screens
23 district theaters
40 Multiplex
Chor bazaar – 163 theatres – Nizam
34 city theatres
91 district theatres
38 multiplex