Ajith and Karthikeya starrer Valimai opened very big on day 1. The film collected more than 30 crs share on the opening day itself. However the film lost the pace and started to decline after the weekend. The film projected as racing drama completely relied on action stunts. But the film perfomed well in the second weekend surprisingly. The film generated some repeat viewing. Now Valimai crossed 150 crore gross mark at the box-office after the second weekend.
Valimai’s total theatrical gross business is valued at nearly 187 crores. The film needs to gross 37 crores more to achieve breakeven status. The film grossed nearly 100 crs at Tamil Nadu box-office alone. It needs to gross another 15 crore to hit breakeven status there. It grossed nearly 4.75 crores in AP/TS and needs to collect more than 1 crore to achieve at least breakeven status.
These numbers are not sufficient for hit status. The film needs to gross more than 50 crores to achieve a hit status. The film having a action and motorbike racing concept might have not worked well with audience. Ajith’s star image is pulling the film to 150 cr gross mark. We have to wait and see where the film might end up.