Ajith’s Valimai released this Thursday ending a long wait of the ‘Thala’ fans to witness him on screen. The Kollywood star played a police role in this movie much to the excitement of his fans. The much-awaited ‘Valimai’ opened to a thunderous response at the Tamil Nadu box office. The audience flocked to the theatres to witness this action thriller and theatres across TN reported good occupancy.
In the Telugu states, the film had a decent opening with the audience giving it a warm welcome. The release of Bheemla Nayak saw a fall in Ajith’s Valimai on a subsequent day. The same is the case with Karnataka and Kerala where the film was an average opener. Here’s the area-wise break up of Ajith’s Valimai day one bo-office collection.
- TN – 29.5 Cr
- AP/TG – 2 Cr
- Kerala – 1.1 Cr
- Karnataka- 3.75 Cr
- ROI – 1Cr
H Vinoth directed this film while Boney Kapoor bankrolled the project. Huma Qureshi, Karthikeya, Bani and Yogi co-starred in Ajith’s Valimai.