Tamil Star Actor Ajith Kumar is gearing up to entertain his hard-core fans and audiences with his next big release, Thunivu. Directed by H Vinoth, the movie is all set to open in theaters worldwide on January 12, 2023.
The pre-sales of the films have already begun overseas and according to the reports, Thunivu has a Crispy runtime of 143 minutes (2 hours and 23 minutes). However, the makers need to release an official statement on it.
Thunivu story is reportedly about a mysterious mastermind who with his team forms a plan and commits bank heists across Chennai, but their motive of the heists remains unknown.
The plot looks very fascinating and promises a massive action drama. Ajith has a perfect image for this kind of negative shades role, and definitely him playing a criminal mastermind will make the audience fascinated towards the movie.
The runtime of 2 hour 23 Minutes is also a massive plus for this film as it can allot more number of shows in a day at the theaters.
Thunivu movie’s second single titled ‘Kasethan Kadavulada’ was released on Dec 18, and Ghibran composed the film’s music, which will have three songs in total.
The first single Chilla Chilla released a few days back is functioning well on musical platforms, and Ajith was spotted so cool in the making video attached to the lyrical video.
‘Thunivu’ will take on Thalapathy Vijay’s ‘Varisu’ at the box office, while both the heroes fans get excited since it’s going to be a same-day clash between the rivals.
Thunivu has Malayalam actress Manju Warrior, Samuthirakani and others in crucial roles. Produced by Boney Kapoor under Bayview Projects LLP, the movie is also releasing in Telugu as Thegimpu.