Kollywood Actor Ajith has made news by securing the third spot in the recently held Dubai 24H Race. The Actor gave a personal interview talking about the love and passion he had for racing. He spoke in detail about various issues as well mainly appealing to fans to concentrate on their personal endeavors more.
He said that he would feel proud if his fans became successful in their life. He also appealed to them to stop making fan wars on social media which he termed toxic. Ajith requested them to respect every other Actor as well.
When asked about any last message, he said, “Live for the moment. Don’t dwell on the past or worry excessively about the future. Work hard, stay healthy — both mentally and physically — and be kind to others. I’d be happiest knowing my fans are doing well in life and being kind to my peers. Life is short; make it meaningful.”
On the work front, Ajith has already completed his shoot part for Vidaamuyarchi and Good Bad Ugly which are slated for release this year.