Aishwarya Rajinikanth’s Lal Salaam starring Superstar Rajinikanth along with Vishnu Vishal and Vikranth was a major box-office failure. The film’s disastrous run in Telugu states added further to the agony of the makers who expected the film to do some decent business in AP and Telangana. In Tamil Nadu, the film was a total washout much to the amazement of trade circles.
In a recent interview, Aishwarya Rajinikanth pinned the failure of Lal Salaam on changes in Rajinkanth’s characterization and his role in the film. “As per the original script, Moideen Bhai’s character was supposed to appear only in the second-half for 10 minutes. But we thought audiences would get restless (if Rajinikanth was missing in the first-half) and therefore we had to make editing changes a few days before the release of the film to introduce Moideen Bhai’s character in the first half,” she explained.
“However, once audiences saw him in the first-half, they were only focussing on his character and wanted to see more of him in the second-half as well, which overshadowed the story and other main characters like Senthil Ayya (Samikkannu),” added Aishwarya.
She also revealed that the team made a lot of changes just 2 days before release. Aishwarya has directly said that Rajinikanth’s presence changed the entire script. These reasons given by the director after the movie’s failure have got the audience to question the need to even bring Rajinikanth into this film.
The director needs to take all these responsibilities and should not blame the cast and crew for a movie’s failure. The truth remains that the makers hoped the superstar’s stardom would pull the audience to the theatres. However, the ploy backfired as it was not a role they expected to see Rajinikanth in.