Aha was launched in March of 2020 by Allu Arjun and Allu Aravind. It holds the right of the first Telugu OTT platform with all exclusive Telugu content. They have been quite successful in their short tenure.
Now there are bigger and better things ahead for Aha. They recently announced Aha 2.0 where a film would release every Friday. They have been upping their levels constantly and this is another addition to their brand.
In their latest announcement, Aha is entering the Tamil market with Aha Tamil, which will include Tamil content exclusively. Aha Tamil is launching on January 28th. Allu Aravind also has plans to enter the North markets in the near future.
Allu Arjun is the brand ambassador for Aha Telugu. It will be interesting to see if Allu Arjun will be the brand ambassador for Aha Tamil due to his reach in Tamil Nadu after Pushpa-The Rise, or whether they will pick a top star in Tamil Nadu. The sky is the limit now.