The much-awaited episode of Balakrishna and Prabhas in Unstoppable 2 finally went live yesterday. Ahead of the episode release, Aha’s governing company Arha Media & Broadcasting sought ‘John Doe’ order from Delhi High Court to protect the episode from any kind of copyright infringement.
The Delhi High Cour passed a John Doe order restraining various rogue websites from illegally reproducing content from the show ‘Unstoppable’. Overall 92 rogue websites and 225 Twitter links have been identified and listed where this copyrighted content is freely made available.
Aha is expecting substantial viewership for this episode that would result in higher monetary gain. It has already spent Rs 17 crore for the production, promotion, and marketing activities of the talk-show series.
This ‘John Doe’ order is a first of its kind obtained by an OTT platform in respect to original content.
Coming to the show, fans are ecstatic to see the glimpse of vintage Prabhas pulling the legs of Gopichand or calling Ram Charan. The promo of this episode has brought life to an otherwise dull second season of Balakrishna’ Unstoppable.