Ajith Kumar’s next Vidaa Muyarchi, which will be directed by Magizh Thirumeni, is a highly anticipated film. After Thunivu’s success, Vidaamuyarchi was announced as AK62, but it has not made any progress at all. At first, the film had its director walked out of the project and now a few reports have been circulating that the producer might also have to do the same as Ajith Kumar and Lyca Productions are not doing well.
According to the latest reports, Lyca Productions and Ajith Kumar have been having issues. Lyca Productions’ possible departure from the film is causing a buzz in the Kollywood circles. It has been reported that the production house is considering opting out of the Vidaamuyarchi project. It is rumored that the production house made this decision because of a delay in shooting schedules. If filming does not begin within the next few months, they are expected to withdraw their involvement.
Ajith’s previous film Thunivu was also produced by the Lyca Production house, which was released for 2023 Pongal along with Thalapathy Vijay’s Varisu and it became a blockbuster success.
The production house initially announced that Ajith Kumar starrer will be directed by Vignesh Shivan. However, because the producers were not satisfied with the script and the story, the director chose not to participate in the film. After that, the announcement of director Magizh Thirumeni as the replacement brought renewed energy to the project.