Mythri Movie Makers are a troubled bunch these days. Both of their upcoming Tollywood biggies Sarkaru Vaari Paata and Pushpa have become the target of piracy. While the Mahesh Babu starter films ‘blaster’ was leaked hours before the actual release. Similarly, Pushpa’s first single and even some fight sequences have been leaked much to the agony of the filmmakers.
Mahesh Babu’s Sarkaru Vaari Paata blaster was scheduled to release on the morning of 9th August. However, due to the leak, the movie unit had to rush the release and uploaded the teaser at midnight.
Now with a major chunk of Pushpa leaking, Navin Yerneni and Y Ravi Shankar have approached cyber crime department of Hyderabad police.
The makers have released an official statement condemning the actions and expressing their hurt. The production house stated that the police have assured them of swift action and that the culprits will be caught at the earliest.