Macho Star Gopichand had recently launched a film with director Sreenu Vaitla. The official announcement of the film was done a few days ago and the inside reports suggest that Gopichand has signed another film with Director, Radha Krishna who is also a struggling director.
Radha Krishna Kumar, the director of Radhe Shyam, was left with no film after the film’s terrible result at the box office. But now, he has bagged a film after a long gap.
It is widely known that Radha Krishna and Gopichand worked together on Jill, Radha Krishna’s debut film, though the film did not do well at the box office. It is almost certain that the combo is all set to come together again.
UV Creations, the production company which backed Jill, will be producing this project as well. We know that even Radhe Shyam was also made on this banner. More information about the project of Gopichand and Radha Krishna Kumar will be released in the near future. Following that, there will be more interesting updates about the same.