It’s a commonly known fact that Jr NTR will be portraying Komaram Bheem in SS Rajamouli’s RRR. Now, Kalyanram will also be taking us back to the pre-independence era. The first look of Kalyanram’s forthcoming film Devil was recently released, it left many surprised, as it is a period drama that is set in 1945.
Naveen Medaram is directing Devil based on real-life incidents that happened during 1945. “I had initially wanted to make a detective story. But as I kept working on the script, it had organically developed into a period film,” he said.
“For the first time, Kalyanram plays a badass; he plays an intelligent British secret agent, but for a greater cause. There’s a beautifully woven love story blended with mysterious elements,” added Naveen.
So why did he choose Kalyanram? “He’s a performer and someone who experiments with roles,” responds Naveen. “Moreover, Kalyanram garu naturally fit the costumes of the period drama and carries the look effortlessly. In fact, even he was excited when I narrated the story to him. After our costume trials, we felt vindicated about casting him in the role.”