It is very well known to everyone that Tollywood producer KP Chowdary has been arrested by the police in a drug scandal case. His remand report revealed that 12 film celebrities and political personalities and their relatives were also involved in the case. The names of actress and Bigg Boss contestant Ashu Reddy, actress Jyothi and actress Surekha Vani have been doing the rounds from the film industry. Actress Jyothi reacted to the whole news and her phone conversation with KP Chowdary. She posted a video. In it, she insists that her friendship with producer K.P. Chowdary has nothing to do with the drug scandal.
“For me, K.P. Chowdary is a good friend. When he comes to the city, he brought his son or his pet dog and My son plays with their son. I have nothing to do with the drug case as it has come out in the news. I’m ready for any kind of inquiry. If required, we are also ready for a narcotic test. They say I made hundreds of calls. I asked them about their family’s well-being and nothing else.
Moreover, I have not deleted any data from my phone. Even If it is deleted, it can be retrieved, right? The police can do that anyway. I’ll give my two phones to the police. They’re investigating, aren’t they? I will fully cooperate with it. I stay away from parties. Even when I go to parties, I carry the medicine in my hand. I’m available on the phone. How do you put up photos without knowing the truth? Do you know how much torcher will there be because of that? If the same happens to people in your home, will you react like this?” she asked.
The Superstar Rajinikanth starrer Kabali was released by KP Chowdhary as he purchased the Telugu rights. Has KP Chowdary done any business by bringing drugs from Goa? The police are investigating the matter. Everyone is keenly watching and waiting to know what will happen further in this case.