Major, with Adivi Sesh, is a biographical film derived from Major Sandeep Unnikrishnan’s life. Directed by Sashi Kiran Tikka, the film focuses on the Mumbai attacks of 2008. The patriotic film recently had its world television premiere on Gemini TV. However, the film got a disastrous TRP rating on its Television Premiere.
Major in its World Television Premiere On Gemini TV Got a disastrous 1.87 TRP in Urban and 1.70 TRP In U+R Markets. This is a shocking number as it was expected to gather a decent amount of TRP on its first premiere. The film registering a low TRP of 1.87 on its first telecast has shocked everyone. The delay of the television premiere is cited as one of the main causes of this low TRP.
Saiee Manjrekar played the female lead in this film while Sobhita Dhulipala, Prakash Raj, Revathi, Murali Sharma, and Anish Kuruvilla played other crucial roles. G. Mahesh Babu Entertainment, Sony Pictures International Productions, and A+S Movies produced Major on a massive scale. Adivi Sesh provided the screenplay for the film, which was shot in both Telugu and Hindi. Sri Charan Pakala composed the music for the film.
Based on the life of martyr Major Sandeep Unnikrishnan, Major celebrates the heroics of the army officer’s life, not only depicting his death at the 26/11 Mumbai attacks but also tracing his journey and embracing the spirit with which he lived. Adivi Sesh in the titular role and Prakash Raj and Revathy as his parents form the backbone of this story that explores some unknown facets of the Major Sandeep’s life.