Adivi Sesh joined the Covid relief works going on and made a generous move. The actor/writer set up a water plant in King Koti District Hospital for the hygienic supply of water for patients, frontline workers, and the staff. The hospital had no supply of clean water for the last eight months and was functioning on packaged water.
“I guess we are all trying to do our bit. Our nation needed to be better prepared and now we need to respond to this crisis better. The response starts with humanity,” said Adivi Sesh.
The medical staff along with the patients had no access to clean drinking water and had to carry their own supply of water through plastic bottles. Working with no water in the PPE kits often led to dehydration of the medical staff.
Earlier, Adivi Sesh had arranged for nearly 850 liters of packaged drinking water for the hospital. The shortage of water in the hospital came to the fore after few media outlets had reported the issue. Sesh immediately spoke to the hospital superintendent and resolved the issue
The hospital which is a Level 2 Covid care centre with nearly 300 moderate to severe COVID patients has had no drinking water supply for eight months.
Adivi Sesh, meanwhile is getting ready for some exciting projects post-Major. He will be next seen in HIT 2: The Second Case. He will be replacing Vishwak Sen who played the lead in the first installment of the movie. A sequel of Sesh’s 2018 hit Goodachari is also on the cards next.