Nag Ashwin has announced his collocation for a high-budget pan India film with Prabhas last year and there were few announcements regarding the cast also. The pre-production works for this project are going on in full swing. Bollywood stars Amitabh Bachchan and Deepika Padukone are going to be part of this project.
Recently Nag Ashwin revealed few interesting updates. He replied that the entire script work has been completed when asked about script progress. Seeking about Adipurush Nag Ashwin said that this film will help was to reach more audience as the movie is based on Ramayana, and Prabhas is playing Lord Rama. His market is going to increase even more. All these factors will be a big plus for my directorial venture when the film releases.
Nag Ashwin’s film will be completely a new genre that was never seen in Tollywood. This film will be produced by Ashwini Dutt under his banner Vyjayanthi Movie.