The makers of Adipurush took to social media on Saturday to share a teaser-lyrical motion poster. The poster shows a Prabhas silhouette from the movie, which slowly shines and reveals Prabhas as Lord Ram at the end. The song Jai Shri Ram plays in the background. This song is now helping the massive buzz around it.
The lyrics and background in the song give a feel of goosebump’s and Prabhas also looks stunning in the motion poster. The team of Adipurush is now turning everything in the promotions into gold and creating massive buzz around the film.
The song was launched in Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, and Kannada as well. It describes about the might and power of Lord Ram and how simply taking his name is better than chanting any mantra. Soon after its release, the teaser-poster started trending on Social Media.
Sharing the teaser, Prabhas wrote, “If you can’t visit the Char Dhaam, Just chant the name of Prabhu Shri Ram. Jai Shri Ram. Ajay – Atul are the composers of the film.
Adipurush will have its world premiere at the 2023 edition of the Tribeca Film Festival. Starring Prabhas, Kriti Sanon, Sunny Singh and Saif Ali Khan, the film will be screened in the Escape From Tribeca section of the film gala, to be held in New York from June 7 to June 18.