Nayanthara, the lady Superstar, has finally made her Bollywood debut with ‘Jawan’. For nearly 13 years, the renowned actress from South India has been in the industry and has only made her first Hindi film now. The Hindi film industry has given the actress a warm welcome for her enchanting performance in the Shah Rukh Khan-starrer. However, it looks like Nayanthara is not interested to work in Tollywood and she is rejecting the new offers.
Recently, a couple of Tollywood producers tried to meet Nayanthara with offering her a solid remuneration as well, but Nayanthara is said to have no interest in doing Telugu films. Reportedly, she is even not interested to listen the scripts from Telugu filmmakers. With Jawan, she got a lot of fame at pan India wide and the demand is now very high for the dates of Nayanthara.
Jawan, directed by Atlee, stars Shah Rukh Khan, Nayanthara, Vijay Sethupathi, Jaffer Sadique, Sanya Malhotra, and Priyamani in the lead roles. The film’s music was composed by Anirudh Ravichander. The film saw an earth-shattering first weekend by registering a whopping 500 CR Gross in. just 4 days.
Meanwhile, Nayanthara is anticipating the release of her upcoming film ‘Iraivan’ in theaters on September 28th. The movie, directed by I Ahmed, features Jayam Ravi in the lead role. Nayanthara will also be seen in a film titled Lady Superstar 75 directed by Nilesh Krishna.