A few months before the 76th edition of the Cannes Film Festival, Bollywood actress Urvashi Rautela moved into a luxurious four-store bungalow in Juhu, Mumbai which is worth of RS 190 Crores. According to the reports, the Swank house shares the wall with the late filmmaker Yash Chopra’s emblematic bungalow in the chic locality of Juhu Scheme. Singer-producer-actress Pamela Chopra, who died in April this year, lived in her home in Juhu.
It is believed that the actress has finalized this property, located in the heart of the city, after a search of seven to eight months for a perfect house. Reports indicated that the 2015 beauty contest winner had focused on a bungalow, called ‘Celest’, in the Lokhandwala complex, but decided to keep searching before making a final decision of moving into the 190 Crore house.
It is understood that the 29-year-old, who has retained the details of her new low-key address, moved to the bungalow about two to three months ago. However, it is not clear whether she had purchased the property or rented it. The name of her bungalow is also under wraps.
Urvasi Rautela is a well-known actress in Bollywood and Tollywood as well, though she does not have much bigger hits to her credit. She appeared in special songs in two Telugu movies this year, one is Chiranjeevi’s Waltair Veerayya and Akhil Akkineni’s Agent.