Actress Trisha, who is on a roll with bagging continuous big projects in Kollywood is also set to make a comeback in Tollywood also. According to the latest reports, Trisha will be paired opposite none other than Megastar Chiranjeevi. The film will be directed by Kalyan Krishna, and it will also star young stars, Siddhu Jonnalagadda and Sree Leela.
This project is said to be almost confirmed, and it will start after Bhola Shankar. As said above, director Kalyan Krishna handle this movie, which is rumored to be a remake of the Malayalam film Bro Daddy. Trisha will appear as an opposite lead to Chiranjeevi. After Stalin, which was released 16 years ago, this combo is joining for a film again.
Trisha was supposed to be paired opposite Megastar Chiranjeevi in Acharya, but she cited creative differences with the team and walked out of the project. Surprisingly, Kajal, who replaced Trisha in the film, was later removed from the film.
It is very well known to everyone that Trisha is the lead actress in Vijay and Lokesh Kanagaraj’s most anticipated Leo, and she will also be seen in Ajith’s next film. Trisha is also said to be in talks with the team of an upcoming big movie of Kamal Haasan – Maniratnam. She is also said to be roped in the landmark 50th film of Dhanush.
With her commanding performance and stunning beauty, she mesmerized audiences with her performance and in Ponniyin Selvan 1 and 2. Many got to know her value after her comeback. Before this movie, she had to do the lot of silly flicks that were not worth her stature, but now she has become the top actress of Kollywood.