Actress Tamannaah Bhatia is very much upset about the rumors that she has agreed to perform a dance number in director Balakrishna’s film. The actress, in a strongly worded tweet on Saturday, snapped the “baseless news articles” on her and a song in the untitled project, which also happens to be the 108th movie of Nandamuri Balakrishna, directed by Anil Ravipudi. Tamannaah’s statement came after a few reports claimed that she quoted a massive remuneration to do an item song in the action movie and the makers have agreed to her terms.
Condemning the reports, the actress took to her Twitter Account and wrote: “I have always enjoyed working with Anil Ravipudi, sir. I have huge respect for both him and Nandamuri Balakrishna, sir. So, reading these baseless news articles about me and a song in their new film, is very upsetting. Please do your research before you make baseless allegations.”
Tamannaah had formerly worked with director Anil Ravipudi, including F2: Fun And Frustration, Sarileru Neekevvaru, and F3. Also, this is not the first time that reports about her equation with the filmmaker went viral on the social media. After the release of their film, F3, last year, Anil Ravipudi mentioned the rumors about his reported rough patch with Tamannaah in an interview with Telugu Media. The director called the falling-out just a “minor misunderstanding.” “There was no major fight between Tamannaah and I, it was just a minor misunderstanding. I wanted her to shoot for a few scenes on a particular day, and she had another commitment the next morning and wanted to leave early. We were heated for about four days, but it is all sorted now,” he was quoted as saying in an interview.
Tamannaah had a few theatrical and OTT releases last year – Gurthunda Seethakalam, Plan A Plan B, Babli Bouncer, F3: Fun And Frustration. She is now preparing for upcoming films like Bole Chudiyan, Bhola Shankar and Jailer. The actress will also be seen in Arun Gopy’s Bandra.