Yesterday was a memorable day for Shaakuntalam star Samantha Ruth Prabhu. The actress made her debut on the same day in 2010 with the Telugu romantic drama Ye Maaya Chesave. In the film, Samantha shared screen time with her ex-husband and actor Naga Chaitanya. Their pair was perfect on screen and reinforced the mood of the movie.
While Samantha’s fans and associates composed hearty words celebrating the actor’s 13 years in the industry, she took to her Instagram to share a thanking note. Sharing the photo of a bouquet, Samantha wrote, “The older I get… the farther I go… I just feel deeply thankful for all the love and affection… and for each new day and all the good things it brings. So many things that used to affect me… don’t anymore. Just a wave of love and gratitude every day. Thank you.”
However, the Instagram post of Samantha had blown up a controversy as Naga Chaitanya posted a picture in which both him and Samantha were present on the occasion of 13 years of ye Maaye chesave. But Samantha has put only her stills from the movie by ignoring Naga Chaitanya. This is not for the first time she did it for multiple times after her divorce.
In the Koffee With Karan program, when Karan Johar asked her by naming Naga Chaitanya as her spouse, Sam replied by whispering Ex Husband. From the time they both got divorced, Samantha is seeking to drive her own image, which is not working well with the fans of Naga Chaitanya.
Meanwhile, On Saturday night, when Samantha Ruth Prabhu‘s fans created the hashtag of ’13 Phenomenal Yrs Of Samantha’ trend, the actor tweeted, “I feel all of this love… it is what keeps me going… Now and forever, I am what I am because of you. 13 years and we are just getting started”