Actress Keerthy Suresh is ready to entertain the audience with her forthcoming Telugu film Dasara, has gifted 130 gold coins to the film team on the last day of the shoot. Apparently, the gold coins are worth Rs.70 lakhs. Dasara, coming out on March 30, will also be Nani’s star in the lead role.
The publicist of the film told the media that Keerthy gave one gold coin each to 130 crew members, including drivers and light boys. “Yes, it is true that Keerthy ma’am gifted gold coins to every crew member of Dasara. This includes drivers and lights boys as well. However, I’m not sure about the worth of the gold coins and if they amount to Rs. 70 lakh,” he said.
In Dasara, Keerthy appears as a character called Vennela. She’s paired with Nani for the second time after Nenu Local in this film, which made the audience to have massive expectations for this film.
Directed by Srikanth Odela, Dasara’s music has been composed by Santhosh Narayanan and Sathyan Sooryan ISC handled cinematography. Navin Nooli is the editor and Avinash Kolla is the production designer of the film, and Vijay Chaganti is the executive producer. Sudhakar Cherukuri is the producer.
The film stars Nani, Keerthy Suresh, Dheekshith Shetty, Samuthirakani, Zarina Wahab, Sai Kumar and Rajsekhar Aningi. The film is set to be released in theaters on March 30 in Telugu, Tamil, Hindi, Kannada, and Malayalam. The film is set against the backdrop of Singareni coal mines near Ramagundam’s Godavarikhani of Telangana.