Actress Kasthuri who recently ignited a controversy by making objectionable comments against Telugu People has been arrested by Police today. The Actress was taken into the jail in Chennai after bringing her from Hyderabad. This is indeed a big embarrassment for the Actress.
Kasthuri has applied for an anticipatory bail after multiple cases filed against her for her comments. She even left Chennai and remained hidden in Hyderabad to avoid any controversy. But Police have caught her after the court rejecting her anticipatory bail appeal. She will be in remand till the further proceedings by the court as well.
The Actress speaking at an event took objection at the treatment given to Brahmins in Tamil Nadu. She said that Brahmins were being perceived as foreigners in Tamil Nadu and also drew comparison between Brahmins and Telugu People terming both as foreigners. These comments have gone viral and many people slammed Kasthuri for her derogatory comments. She even apologised later arranging a press meet but this resulted nothing. We have to see how she deals with this case.