Actress Kajal Aggarwal has been ruling the Telugu film industry for over a decade. She acted with top stars and appeared in many big hits. In the recent past, Kajal was away from movies for a while now due to her personal life, as she married Gowtham Kitchlu and became pregnant. After a gap, she gave a comeback into the films. But now it is being reported that the actress will quit movies after her present commitments get completed.
Currently, Kajal Aggarwal is busy with two big projects, one is Nandamuri Balakrishna’s Bhagavanth Kesari and the another one is.Kamal Haasan – Shankar’s Indian 2. Now the industry circles are saying that after completing the two movies, Kajal is likely to quit the movies to take care of her child. Even in the past also many heroines have done the same as they took a break for a few years and came back as character artists later.
Whether Kajal Aggarwal follows the same path are not, we need to wait and see. As of now, she did not make any official statement on her career. So, these are just some rumors in the industry circles, and we can confirm them only when Kajal Aggarwal herself declares her settlement.
Kajal Aggarwal’s last theatrical release was the Tamil film Ghosty, which failed miserably at the box office. Her upcoming films are Indian 2 with Kamal Haasan, Uma a small film, and Bhagavanth Kesari alongside Balakrishna.