Actress Asin Thottumkal denied the rumors of divorce with her husband Rahul Sharma on Wednesday and described them as baseless reports. Taking to her Instagram account, Asin shared a note on her stories and wrote, “In middle of our summer holiday right now. Literally sitting across each other, enjoying our breakfast, and I come across some very imaginative and utterly baseless ‘NEWS’.
“Reminds me of the time we were sitting at home together with our families planning our wedding, and we heard that we had broken up. Seriously? Please do better. (Disappointed to have wasted 5 minutes of an otherwise wonderful holiday on this) Have a great day, you guys.”
Rumors started emerging on social media after Asin allegedly removed all her photos of her husband, except for one, on her Instagram account. She also deleted her wedding photographs from her social media accounts. Asin married Micromax co-founder Rahul Sharma in January 2016.
The couple welcomed their first child, daughter Arin, in October 2017. After her marriage, Asin decided to leave the film industry. She was last seen in the comedy film All Is Well (2015), which starred Abhishek Bachchan, Rishi Kapoor and Supriya Pathak. She also was a part of many big Bollywood films such as Ghajini, Ready, Bol Bachchan, and Housefull 2 among others. Not only that, but she was featured in several super-duper hits in the Tamil film industry, such as Sivakasi, Varalaru, Pokkiri and Dasavatharam.