Veteran actor Prabhu was taken to a private hospital in Chennai on February 20 after sustaining severe stomach pain. After the basic medical diagnosis, following detention of stones, Prabhu underwent ureteroscopy laser surgery yesterday (February 21) and they successfully removed his kidney stones through the surgery.
According to the Doctors, Prabhu is now in full strength, and after general post-surgery medical assessments, he will come back home in a day or two, approved the statement that has been issued from the hospital administration.
Prabhu is the son of the legendary actor Nadigar Thilagam Sivaji Ganesan. Prabhu also did his debut as an actor in Tamil cinema, and he has acted in over 300 films. He has acted not only in Tamil but also in other languages such as Malayalam, Telugu, and others. Actor Prabhu, who made his impression as a hero, then moved to character roles, and he is now playing supporting characters in films across South languages.
Prabhu was last seen on the big screens in Vijay starrer ‘Varisu’, which was released during Pongal/Sankranti Festival. He was seen in a short and important character as a doctor in the film, and he shared screen space with Vijay for the third time in the film. He is also acting in a crucial role in Mani Ratnam’s epic historical drama ‘Ponniyin Selvan 2’, and he has already impressed audiences by his presence in the film’s first part.