Village Panchayat of Mandrem in Goa on Wednesday issued a “stop work” notice to Telugu actor Nagarjuna over the alleged illegal construction and excavation work at Mandrem village in North Goa.
Mandrem Panchayat sarpanch Amit Sawant has issued the notice under the Goa Panchayat Raj Act 1994. As per the notice, the respondent has been involved in illegal activity in the village jurisdiction.
“Whereas it is noticed by this Panchayat that you are doing alleged illegal construction and excavation, in property bearing survey no. 211/2 B at Ashvewada, Mandrem, village without obtaining prior permission from the competent authorities and this Panchayat,” the notice reads.
Amit Sawant also stated that the Panchayat was formed recently, only in September. So, he gave the actor the benefit of doubt before issuing the notice by going back through record books and checking if permissions had been taken.
However, no evidence of any approval was found. He added that Nagarjuna now needs to respond to the stop work order with any permission or related documents that he may have in possession.
Nagarjuna was recently starred in the Telugu film The Ghost and the Bollywood blockbuster Brahmastra. While Brashmastra became a hit at the box office, The Ghost film failed to impress both the audiences and critics.