The actor in Pushpa’s Keshava role was arrested in a junior female artist suicide case. Jagadeesh Bandari, the young actor who made an excellent impression on the Tollywood audience with his natural performance as Keshava in Pushpa: The Rise, was arrested by police. According to the news, the Panjagutta police arrested him after a case was filed against him. The fans of Allu Arjun and other audiences were shocked to learn that Jagadeesh, the actor in Pushpa’s Keshava role, was arrested in a junior female artist suicide case.
A junior artist (woman) committed suicide recently due to Jagadeesh’s harassment, as reported by the media. Her father approached the Panjagutta police station with all the evidence, after which a case was registered, and Jagadeesh was arrested today.
In the film Pushpa: The Rise, Keshava’s role was played by Jagadeesh Bandari, who also has a full-length role in the second installment. Jagadeesh has been missing for the past week after the junior artist committed suicide, but he was finally nabbed today. Today, Jagadeesh was sent to jail by the Panjagutta police.
A junior female artist who also happens to be a resident of the Panjagutta area committed suicide on the 29th of last month. The Panjagutta police have registered a case and launched an investigation. During this investigation, the police found out the reasons behind the woman’s death. While she was with a man, Jagadish took pictures without her knowledge. He used to show her the photos and threaten her. So, he succumbed to the pressure and committed suicide.
Jagadeesh was arrested by the Panjagutta police on Wednesday and produced before the court. The Police said the woman knew Jagadeesh in the past. More important details about the case are yet to be revealed.