Aavesham starring Fahadh Faasil received positive review and talk after its release. The film had the highest opening for the lead actor in his career as well. Now, Aavesham is all set to become Fahadh Faasil’s first 100-crore-grosser film. The film is running super strong in all the territories.
Aavesham opened with a 3.5 crore gross in the home state of Kerala and it had collected 3 crore+ gross after 8 days of its release. And on the 8th day, it collected 3.25 crore gross. This shows how greatly the film is still holding at the box office. There is no drop at all on the weekdays. The 8-day gross stands at 28 crore in the home state of Kerala and the worldwide gross stands at 65 crore.
Aavesham is all set to cross the 100 crore mark in the next 4-5 days and this would make Fahadh Faasil the 100 crore hero afterwards. This will be a great achievement for Fahadh Faasil who is enjoying popularity across South Industries. Now, with this, it would further increase his popularity. Malayalam film Industry which is riding high with the phenomenal successes of Premalu, The Goat Life, and Manjummel Boys will have another 100 crore grosser this year.